Home News The Last of Us Remake approaching and TLOU 2 Director’s Cut in...

The Last of Us Remake approaching and TLOU 2 Director’s Cut in the pipeline? News @VGR


This information comes from an insider who has proven himself in the industry, with leaks that have often been proven to be correct. Tom Henderson announces that two projects on The Last of Us will see the light of day in 2022.

Tom henderson is definitely a very talkative tweeter. After having leaked many elements on BF 2042 or Call of Duty: Vangard, here he is now indulging in a few small indiscretions on projects that concern the flagship license of Naughty Dog, The Last of Us.

The first would concern the PS5 remake project of the first opus that we had already told you about, and it would be much more advanced than expected since Tom henderson advance that its development is almost complete. To the point of hoping for an exit for the second half of 2022.


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Here again, Tom henderson advance that a Director’s Cut version of TLOU 2 is under development, without further details. But what to expect then?

The PS5 version of this episode has already benefited from an update in the middle of last year which notably included shorter load times, 60 FPS, 1440P resolution but also discreet support for haptic feedback.

If this information is confirmed, we can resolutely hope for more ambitions in terms of technical developments with, for example, a 4K resolution and optimization that takes even more advantage of the technical specificities of the PS5.

And why by dreaming a little with an edition that would finally include the much desired Online / Factions mode of The Last of Us 2.

All this deserves to be taken with a grain of salt, but remember that Neil Druckmann confirmed at CES 2022 that Naughty Dog is working on several games. It would therefore come as no surprise if the studio took advantage of the enormous popularity of the license, which will be soon to be released as a television series by HBO.

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Source: twitter.com

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