Home News 3DS The manga Reborn! will obviously be entitled to a new animated...

The manga Reborn! will obviously be entitled to a new animated adaptation


Definitely 2022 is the year of returns. After Berserk, Hunter X Hunter, another classic returns to the front of the stage with a new animated adaptation.

We will wait for the official announcement to fully rejoice, but if we are to believe a renowned leaker in the field of Japanimation, there is no doubt: the work by Akira Amano will return very soon for a new anime adaptation.

Reborn is coming back!

Published from 2004 to 2012, Reborn! (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!) was entitled to its television iteration from 2006 to 2010. A program which had therefore remained without any real end, but which will very soon be resumed according to the Twitter user @Spanku_u. In fact, it is almost a certainty, since the individual in question has already been the source of a large number of revelations. Moreover, it is to him that we owed last February the leak on the anime Nier Automata or, still another more recent concerning the transposition of the manga Hoshi no Kowhich has just beenformalized.

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However, we will wait for the real communication to be fixed and, above all, to learn more, to know in particular whether it will be a question of a resumption from scratch or simply of a new segment which will be added to what has already been produced previously. In a word, the continuation, what. For this, information may be transmitted during the event dedicated to the series which will take place from June 11 to 26.

More or less surprising news that will undoubtedly please fans of the series or, more generally, lovers of Japanese entertainment. And with all the announcements made so far, the most nostalgic among them are very necessarily spoiled.

Berserk and Hunter X Hunter manga will resume publication. On the side, animation, Bleach will return in October and Trigun will also have a new series bearing his image, so it seems. It should be the same for Solo Levelingwhich, unlike the last mentioned, is not “very old”, but enjoys a not inconsiderable reputation.

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And, rumors around new announcements abound. Lately, it’s been more fans of the work ofAi Yazawa, Nana, who carefully scrutinize the rumors concerning a possible revival of their series of hearts. Will it happen?

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