Home News The Middle Ages opens its doors to you with The Valiant

The Middle Ages opens its doors to you with The Valiant


The medieval real-time strategy game The Valiant plunges us into the heart of the 13th century through two trailers.

Although RTS games no longer have the wind in their sailssome studios do not hesitate to persevere in creating new games of this genre and rightly so. This is the bias of the development studio Kite Games and publisher THQ Nordic with the game announcement The Valiant.

History rushes us to the 13th century, a period during which Theoderich Akenburg goes in pursuit of his former brother-in-arms Ulrichwho became obsessed with reuniting the pieces of a strange and ancient relic. If Theoderich had promised himself never to take up arms again, the reassociation of the parts of this object were to be made, it would put the world in danger. This crusade against his former friend will lead him to cross Europe and the Holy Land and meet new companions.

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The Valiant aims to breathe new life into the RTS genre and will incorporate some RPG elements. Thus the fights will be more tactical and will oppose fewer forces that will range from swordsmen to horsemen. The extensive campaign will include 15 single player missions where your every decision on and off the battlefield will count. You will have to carefully choose the equipment of your heroes as well as their skills among the 3 trees of active and passive abilities at your disposal.

In addition to its rich and epic single-player campaign, The Valiant also features two different multiplayer modes: competitive and cooperative. As regards the first, it features fast-paced 1v1 and 2v2 PVP clashes during which players will have to capture control points and strengthen their forces.

The cooperative modemeanwhile, offers you Last Man Standing, playable with 3 players where you will face hordes of increasingly tough enemies. As you succeed, you will unlock experience to improve the abilities of the selected hero and a wide range of visual customizations will serve as rewards for your achievements.

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Although no date has been announced, The Valiant will be released on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One and PC.

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