Home News The names of the last three games offered by Epic already known?...

The names of the last three games offered by Epic already known? News @VGR


Epic Games Store offers free play every day to its users. A list reveals the names of the last gifts of the year, including a much-loved trilogy.

From December 16 until December 31, the Epic Games Store offers one game per day to its users. A first list on the run, at the beginning of the month, had made it possible to discover the entire first week of giveaways for the online store, with 100% success on disclosures.

While the 25th and 26th made it possible to collect two very famous games, Prey and Control, Mages of Mystralia has just been released and will remain free for everyone until 5 p.m. Now, the names of the latest upcoming games have been revealed by several well-known insider accounts.

  • December 27th – Mages of Mystralia
  • December 28th – Moving Out
  • December 29th – Salt and Sanctuary
  • December 30th – Tomb Raider Trilogy

As you can see, the first has since been confirmed, so there should be no surprises for the next three, and in particular the Tomb Raider Trilogy. As a reminder, the game on December 31 will be a exclusive offer available for one week.

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