Home News the new Harry Potter game postponed yet? News @VGR

the new Harry Potter game postponed yet? News @VGR


The RPG in the Harry Potter universe has been postponed again, for 2023, according to an insider. A rumor that seems quite improbable according to certain signs.

Hogwarts Legacy: Hogwarts Legacy, the new Open-world A-RPG from Avalanche Studios, has already been postponed for the first time for the usual reasons (“we want to refine because we like the players”, blabla coughed) and since then, Warner Bros had indicated that it would not give any more news before 2022.

For its part, the site comic book shared the words of the podcaster and developer Colin Moriarty, who indicates having heard from a new delay of the game, “which will not be released this year”. Although considered a rather reliable source, this info is for the moment only a rumor which has not been confirmed.

A 2023 release would be pretty amazing in a number of ways. Indeed, we already know that the game will be released “after the film” Fantastic Beasts: Dumbledore’s Secrets. If “after”, it can also be “a year later”, we would rather count on an exit close enough to take advantage of a certain hype.

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Moreover, this output could also be done in the first fiscal year following the merger between Warner and Discovery, expected in mid-2022, as it is considered important for investors. Finally, the opening of pre-orders in November 2021 is perhaps an additional sign of a release that should not be too late. It would be very surprising to allow purchases more than a year before release.

Source: comicbook.com

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