We have the news of the day. It’s nothing extraordinary of course, but in a way, seeing such a console being announced is not far from being a stroke of genius.
PlayStation, Xbox and Nintendo have a lot to worry about. The competition is coming and is about to take everything away… or not. All it will get is more or less virulent criticism from the players, if not laughter. Because yes, the new project we’re interested in here has just been presented as a big joke. See for yourself.
Polium One, the first Web 3.0 console
A new console has been announced with great fanfare. However, the idea will be very far from seducing players since it will be a web 3.0 machine that will be based on the blockchain system. This Polium One is planned, at first, for 2024 for a certain public. The pre-orders will indeed be allowed only to those who will have made themselves holder of a NFT, the “Polium Pass”which will be counted only to some 10 000 copies. The rest of us, the general public, will be able to see it starting in 2025. So that’s the most decent part of the project, because yes, you’ll soon see, there’s a lot to be said and said again about this thing.
First, there’s the controller. It would guarantee a connection to the machine, and therefore to your wallet, in a completely secure way, and this thanks to a very practical technology, the ToucheID… What is absolutely impossible since it is a property of Apple. And then, as far as borrowing is concerned, it is absolutely not the only element that we can see, because yes, the logo of the company looks strangely like a certain cube that appeared in the early years 2000. But then, considering Polium’s statement, there is a misunderstanding: in the business world a lot of companies would have the same one, if we believe the statement. Anyway, a new logo should replace it.
It looks familiar but GameCube has a G and the cube represents their name Our cube represents the blockchain and the P stands for Polium.
Anyway, let’s move on, it’s just a detail… The important thing is the features of the console, right? Well, you will surely be delighted to learn that the console will be at the cutting edge of technology. It will offer 4K and 8K, will have ray tracing and can reach up to 120 frames per second on its graphics card. It sells the dream. But there is no guarantee that it will be. And, it is on these vague promises, that the company intends to open its pre-orders, that is to say on something quite fictitious: the machine will be created in its entirety only after the pre-order phase. Polium will be waiting for pips and opinions and advice from applicants before it can get to work. But of course, he intends to demonstrate it with his prototype. Here is what it states on its site:
We will take pre-orders before the console hardware is fully built. This will help us gather feedback, ideas and validation from customers
As for the games it seems to want to make available, the company is said to be in “talks with game developers”. But it already seems to be able to offer some, as it shows via a screenshot of its hub. And, at this view, the console has nothing really enviable. These are basically NFT titles like Axie Infinity, Grit or Guild of Guardians.

That’s it for the most part regarding this “NFT game console”, which has all the makings of a bad joke.