Home News 3DS The official site of Silent Hill is bought by a little joker

The official site of Silent Hill is bought by a little joker


Konami obviously forgot to pay for the silenthill.com domain name renewal. Since this weekend, a strange site has opened instead.

Is it a Konami joke announcing a new game or just a takeover? Visibly, the official site of Silent Hill, which had just expired, was not renewed by the Japanese group. This weekend, NeoGAF Internet users have indeed noticed that the site had been relaunched with a more than sober design.

Titled “He was first”, the new silenthill.com does not reveal that a tweet of February 20, 2022 from Masahiro Itoartistic director of the Silent Hill series and who once said, “I wish I hadn’t designed that goddamn Pyramid Head.”

The reason for this “defacing” is not known and, fortunately, is not too violent. As we can read on the Internet: “at least he didn’t redirect the domain to a porn site”. After research, it is impossible to know who recovered this domain name, which now seems located in the Philippines. As a reminder, the domain name had already been made public in December 2019 for a few days.

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In any case, this proves how much the publisher has big plans for the Silent Hill series…

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