Home News The planet of discounts: up to -70% on big hits in the...

The planet of discounts: up to -70% on big hits in the PS Store


New promotional operation at PlayStation with offers that are worth their weight in peanuts. Indeed the PS Store offers a multitude of promotions on big PS4 and PS5 hits.

Don’t know what to play right now? playstation wants to help you choose by offering big discounts on some big games. And this concerns titles that have done as much the heyday of the PS4 than the PS5. Here are some to give you an idea:

  • FIFA 22 PS5 at 39.99 euros instead of 79.99 euros. -50%.
  • Resident Evil Village PS4 & PS5 at 27.99 euros instead of 69.99 euros. -60%.
  • Red Dead Redemption Ultimate Edition at 34.99 euros instead of 99.99 euros. -65%.
  • The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Game of the Year at 9.99 euros instead of 49.99 euros. -80%.
  • Cyberpunk 2077 at 24.99 euros instead of 49.99 euros. -50%.
  • Demons Souls at 49.59 euros instead of 79.99 euros. -38%.
  • Hitman 3 – Standard Edition at 27.99 euros instead of 69.99 euros. -60%.
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As a reminder, Cyberpunk 2077 has recently benefited from a free update bringing its significant share of improvements in addition to bringing a optimization of the PS5 version. Regarding the promotion, you can find all 668 games who take advantage of this promotional offer by following this link.

Source: store.playstation.com

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