Home News The PS5 passes the symbolic milestone of 20 million units sold

The PS5 passes the symbolic milestone of 20 million units sold


Despite the current context and the various global crises that follow one another, it seems that the PS5 manages to hold its own, since SIE proudly announces that its new PlayStation model has passed the milestone of 20 million units sold.

And so Sony Interactive Entertainment proudly announces that the PS5 has sold 20 million copies worldwide. An established fact properly communicated by Veronica Rogers -responsible for global sales and business operations.

We are delighted to share that Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) has sold over 20 million PlayStation 5 consoles worldwide.

A nice performance it is true, but nevertheless much lower than its big sister the PS4which had reached this symbolic milestone a few months earlier. However, the comparison stops there, as the circumstances seem so different.

Indeed, the Covid-19 as well as more recently the war in Ukraine have been there. Plunging the world into a crisis from which it is difficult to recover.This particular context is having a direct impact on a multitude of sectors which are running out of essential components to the production of their products.

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On the PS5 side, it is in particular the semiconductors that are rare, and this since its launch. Strong consumer demand creates additional pressure which causes a real bottleneck. The machines are distributed in dribs and drabs, benefiting a handful of lucky ones and leaving the others to hunt them down relentlessly – a godsend for the Scalpers. Anyway, Sony has already planned to sell for the current financial year, 56% more machines compared to the previous year. An ambitious objective which is however unlikely to satisfy demand.

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