Home News PS5 The Quarry: online multiplayer finally arrives and it’s not alone

The Quarry: online multiplayer finally arrives and it’s not alone


The latest creation of the studio Supermassive Games (Until Dawn) has been given a long-awaited update with a few surprises.

We can say that The Quarry has marked its public during its release, including our dear Kikitoès whose opinion can be found at this address. And for those who still want some, good news, the narrative horror game has a new update that should quench your thirst for content.

A special online multiplayer

The biggest part of this update is the famous online multiplayer mode, which had unfortunately been postponed. The latter, entitled The Pack of Wolvesis an invitation-only game. It is possible to invite up to 7 friends, as long as each of them has a copy of the game.

Only the host of the game can play, but that doesn’t mean that his friends are going to sit back and watch. Indeed, the “audience” will have a vote to submit for each key decision, with the majority determining which choice will be kept. Whoever is in charge will not have all the power, far from it. This is a feature that should, according to the developers, bring great replayability in the experience.

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Skins and more

In addition to the multiplayer mode, a number of additions are to be declared, such as outfits giving an 80’s look to our monitors. However, this is only available to owners of the Deluxe Edition. If you’re not, you’ll have to buy it as DLC.

Finally, a last addition will allow you to dive deeper into the history of The Quarry with the six episodes of the Bizarre Yet Bonafide podcast. They will follow paranormal investigators – fictional – Grace and Anton as they explore the surrounding area of the game.

As a reminder, The Quarry is available since June 10, 2022 on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Series.

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