Home News The RPG Chained Echoes will be made available at the end of...

The RPG Chained Echoes will be made available at the end of 2022


The 16-bit RPG Chained Echoes makes an appointment on consoles and PC with video communication. It will be released this year 2022.

Wanting to remind us of good memories of productions as they appeared on SNES in the 90s, the 16-bit RPG Chained Echoes will send players in the company of a group of heroes. In search of peace, they will cross the whole continent Valandiswill visit exotic lands and dungeons, with the aim of ending the wars that have plagued the three kingdoms for generations.

Edited by Deck13 Spotlight and developed by Matthias LindaChained Echoes just announced it via a video: it will appear at fourth quarter of this year 2022 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch and Steam.

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