Home News Switch The Switch breaks sales records, despite declining results

The Switch breaks sales records, despite declining results


Nintendo has just shared some of its figures and asserts the total domination of its little Switch, which has decidedly no competition.

If Sony is afraid of Microsoft, Nintendo couldn’t care less. Its Nintendo Switch is a monumental success and continues to sell by the millions more than 5 years after its release.

The Switch explodes the counters

Without direct competition, the Switch is coasting and has managed to sell over 111 million units worldwide, including 3.43 million in the last quarter (April to June 2022). These are staggering figures, which make it the best-selling home console of all timebut which still mark a decrease of 22% compared to last year over this same period. Nintendo justifies this drop by pointing to the shortage of semiconductors that drastically slows down the production of consoles.

Unfortunately, the situation is not going to get any better. Sony and Microsoft also have the same problem.

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Nintendo games sell millions

Despite everything, the console is still selling well and so are its games. Over the same period, no less than 41.4 million games have been solda figure down by 8%. compared to last year.
The top sellers in the last quarter were: Nintendo Switch Sports with 4.84 millionKirby and the Forgotten World with1.88 millionMario Strikers: Battle League Football with 1.91 million and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe which records 1.48 million units sold. A top four composed entirely of proprietary exclusives.

Best-selling Switch games (as of June 30, 2022)

More globally, it’s the entire top 10 is made up of Nintendo exclusives.

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