Home News The Switch version of Cloud Gardens is postponed

The Switch version of Cloud Gardens is postponed


The independent climatic apocalypse title, a subtle mix between The Last of Us and a Jardiland catalog, is postponing its release due to a problem on Switch.

Got out in September 2021 on Xbox and a year earlier on PCthe relaxing and post-apocalyptic puzzle game Cloud Gardens was supposed to get a Nintendo Switch version for this May 12. But, the savviest of you who hit the shelves discovered that the title was not available.

Indeed, the fault of a “minor internal problem” of the game, Coatsink and Noio preferred postpone the release to a later date which has not yet been revealed. The team needs “a little more time” to fix the problem and deliver this title to Nintendo console gamers.

Very addictive, dreamlike and quite complete despite its minimalismCloud Gardens plunges you into a world of climatic apocalypse, where nature has taken back its rights over small dioramas of waste and destruction, which you will have to repopulate with… plant seeds. Reread our Cloud Gardens test on PC.

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