Home News The Warner Bros fighting game, MultiVersus, is exposed in a trailer

The Warner Bros fighting game, MultiVersus, is exposed in a trailer


The Smash Bros made in Warner Bros shows its various fighters through a cutscene. On this occasion, an open beta was announced.

In the footsteps of its direct competitor Super Smash Bros. or in those of Nickelodeon which was also entitled to a similar title, Warner Bros is now preparing to enter the dance with MultiVersusa release scheduled for this year 2022 on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series, Xbox One and PC. In the meantime, the game goes through its traditional phase of preparation by letting itself be discovered little by little.

Taz, The Iron Giant, etc.

Warner Bros. Gamesin a new video communication, draws attention to some characters among which we count the Tasmanian Devil (Taz), The Iron Giant or Vera. Fighters that will be accessible during the private alpha that will take place between the May 19 and 27.

Then the fighting game free-to-play developped by Player First Games can be approached via an open beta expected for the month of July, without a specific date for the moment.

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