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The Witcher 3: a new secret is discovered 7 years after the release of the game


The excellent The Witcher 3, which catapulted CD Projekt to the top, has yet to reveal all of its secrets, as evidenced by this new discovery.

Released in 2015, The Witcher 3 has become a real monument. A dantesque RPG that will have marked an entire generation and continues to retain a large community.

Despite its success and the huge number of players who have roamed its lands, the game still hides a few secrets, one of which has just been discovered by a fan.

Vivienne and the 7-year-old easter egg

It was the youtuber xLetalis who went in search of this ultimate Easter Egg after one of the Quest Designers implied that there was still at least one secret left, which he had incorporated into the game and which had not not been discovered. And after several hours of research, xLetalis has finally found the secret in question.

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It’s actually abouta sort of secret ending for one of the characters in the Blood and Wine expansion, Vivienne. A woman victim of a curse transforming her into a woman-bird hybrid.

When Geralt saves her, he explains to her that lifting the curse will cause her to die in 7 years, which the young woman accepts. By continuing the game you will also be able to meet her again in great shape. But if, like xLetalis, you decide to spend 7 years in-game, you will have a surprise and find Vivienne died in Yennefer’s quarters in Skellige.

An Easter Egg that requires a lot of handling and time, but which proves that developers are not short of ideas when it comes to hiding secrets. By the way, Phillip Weber, Quest Designer on The Witcher 3, personally congratulated the videographer for his find.

If this little story made you want to (re) immerse yourself in The Witcher 3, know that the game is available on PS4, Xbox One, PC and Switch, and that PS5 and Xbox Series versions are on the way.

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