Home News The Wolf Among Us 2 wants to address everyone

The Wolf Among Us 2 wants to address everyone


No need according to the developers to have played the first episode to enjoy the continuation of the adventures of Bigby Wolf.

If The Wolf Among Us 2 takes over from The Wolf Among Us, the first episode of which dates from 2013, the Californian studio Telltale Games, reborn from its ashes, specifies that the title is aimed as much to the first hour fans as to the newcomers.

The story that this new opus will tell us is indeed sufficient in itself according to Jamie Ottilie, CEO of Telltale. Even if it is indeed a sequel, it will not be not essential to have followed the first events to understand what is going on.

“We strive to design our stories in such a way that they can stand on their own.” (Ottilia)

We cannot too strongly, however, like Ottilie, advise you to play the game beforehand. excellent first album to immerse yourself in its universe inspired by Bill Willingham’s Fables comic strip.

“We think the opening of the first episode sets things up for the player to understand how the characters got to where they are now.” (Ottilia)

The Wolf Among Us 2 is expected for 2023 on PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series and Xbox One and should resume the episodic format of its elder, this time under Unreal and no longer on the problematic Telltale Tool engine of the old team, and by having completed all the episodes before the launch of the first episode in order to avoid the risk of any delay thereafter.

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As a reminder, The Wolf Among Us was interested in the investigation of the Detective Bigby Wolf on a murder in Fabletown, a hidden world where fairy tale characters live. This sequel takes place 6 months laterwhereas Wolf was suspended and undergoes anger management therapy. Snow White is now deputy mayor of Fabletown.

Source: www.ign.com

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