Home News To help Ukraine, Humble Bundle is selling a pack of 123 games...

To help Ukraine, Humble Bundle is selling a pack of 123 games for €36


The Humble Bundle site offers to recover 123 items in a huge pack, the value of which is estimated at more than 2300 euros. All profits will be donated to humanitarian aid.

Among the publishers’ good ideas for help people in need in the midst of the war between Ukraine and Russia, we find in particular fundraising. Yesterday, for example, Fortnite announced that it would donate the benefits of its micro-transactions to several organizations for two weeks, enough to raise no less than 36 million dollars already.

The Humble Bundle site offers for its part, as always, a pack of games and game elements, but this time the income from this sale will return 100% to humanitarian aid for Ukraine. And it must be said that the bundle in question is quite large. In total, no less than 123 items are present, for a total market value of €2,336.48.

And it all costs just… €36.39! In any case for the suggested price, since the principle of the site remains to offer this pack at the amount that visitors decide, they can therefore add a little more to the proposed offer. By default, four organizations will therefore have a little more than €9, Razom for Ukraine, International Rescue Committee International Medical Corps and Direct Relief.

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If you are tempted, click on this link, you will find old and new games, including Back 4 Blood, Spyro Reignited Trilogy, Quantum Break, Monaco (whose sequel has just been announced), Brothers – A Tale of Two Sons (a game you can only play once) or even books role-playing games (Pathfinder, Warhammer Fantasy), 3D elements and ebooks. The site claims to have already raised 9.2 million euros.

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