Home News To manage your PSN account on PS3, you now have to go…...

To manage your PSN account on PS3, you now have to go… through a PC


In the latest firmware update for the PS3 (4.89) and Vita (3.74), PlayStation removed online-related features from the consoles. A decision that does not pass.

Sony may be working on a PS5 Pro or a PS6, but the studio does not forget its old consoles, starting with PS3 and PS Vita. A new firmware has been deployed for this generation, with the aim of improving online functionality. But players discovered that it was quite the opposite that happened.

In effect, the patch removes the possibility of creating a new PS Network account, and of modifying its existing account. Two updates that therefore prevent players from having easy access to the PlayStation store and online functions. To access and modify your account, the patch explains that you must now connect via PC or mobile device. Ditto for creating a profile if you don’t already have one.

Signing in to PlayStation Network now requires a device password for better account protection. Account creation for PlayStation Network and certain account management functions are no longer available on the console. Use your PC or mobile browser to use account management features with improved performance, speed, and security.

A decision that was strongly criticized by the playstation gamers on the networks, even if you always have the possibility, if you have the other consoles, to go through the PS4 or the PS5 to create an account.

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Source: www.playstation.com

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