Home News Towards a Star Wars with Dynasty Warriors sauce? News @VGR

Towards a Star Wars with Dynasty Warriors sauce? News @VGR


At the bend of an interview, the producer of the series of Dynasty Warriors had a few words to signify his desire around potential derivatives.

Several are the licenses that have passed through the musou: The Legend of Zelda, Naruto, One Piece… And others, obviously, will also go through it.

Akihiro Suzukithe producer of the series Dynasty Warriors, actually claimed – during an interview with JPgames – that several franchises were currently being discussed with developers. He also took the opportunity to express his own desire to see a title Star Wars take up the mechanics of the Koei Tecmo saga. Will his wish be granted?

Within the development team, a lot of different IPs and works were discussed.[…] That’s just my opinion, but my personal wish would be a Star Wars crossover.

Suzuki also shared his vision of what could and should be Dynasty Warriors in the future. He thus expressed his desire to work more on the realistic aspect, thus offering greater immersion. For this to happen, AIin particular, should benefit from some improvement.

I wish I could increase the sense of immersion in the battlefield through more realistic depictions, in particular through the visual representation and the individual movement (AI) of each soldier. Also, if we could have multiple people playing simultaneously online, that would be really fun.

But, while waiting to see more, let’s already prepare for the upcoming arrival of Dynasty Warriors 9 Empires in our regions. It will arrive on February 25 on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series, Xbox One, Switch and PC.

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Source: www.videogameschronicle.com

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