Home News Ubisoft, Call of Duty and even SEGA: new NFT projects announced

Ubisoft, Call of Duty and even SEGA: new NFT projects announced


Blockchain and NFT-based projects are even more numerous than expected: Ubisoft, Call of Duty, Bandai Namco, and now even SEGA have titles in the pipeline.

The NFT madness never stops. The new fashion that has invaded (not to say plagued) video games will spread a little more with a new slew of titles and projects announced in recent days. The latest is SEGA, which reveals the ambition of its “Super Game” project: a 5-year plan that will use the tokens in its AAA.

In an interview on VGCthe Japanese company estimates that “It’s a natural evolution for video games to expand by involving other areas such as cloud gaming or NFTs”. The studio had however claimed in the past not to fall into this new fashion.

NFTs in successful franchises

On the side of call of duty, the next project should also take this path. According to insider and leaker RalphsValve, Infinity Ward would have the ambition to completely overhaul the customer accounts of players in the Activision franchise, in particular by proposing the inclusion of NFT.

Bandai Namco side now, a new project is underway with the World of Denonbu platform, in partnership with a blockchain company, Gauidy. The studio wants to expand the universe of its DEN-ON-BU music license and announces its “first NFT service” which will allow people to browse and buy NFTs related to this universein the form of official Music Crystals or created by fans on the website.

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Finally, the most partisan of NFTs, Ubisoft, which thinks that we are not yet ready to understand the interest of the thing, is going to work on NFTs in more titles to comea surprising decision as Ghost Recon Breakpoint, the first to attempt the adventure, was recently arrested with its share of critics.

We will certainly find the brand new Battle Royale, Frontline, but probably also Pathfinder and Over, the next two projects in the Tom Clancy universe.

It’s not over until it’s over.

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