Home News 3DS Ubisoft gives NFTs to employees (who don’t want them)

Ubisoft gives NFTs to employees (who don’t want them)


The French company really intends to make its mark in this new sector, which is lucrative but not without suspicion. Some employees doubt the merits of the operation.

Ubisoft has the habit of spilling a lot of ink and more particularly at the moment with its position on NFTs (Non Fungible Token). In fact, the company firmly believes in this new fad which is making its way on the internet and has even created a platform called Quartz, allowing you to acquire NFTs that can be used in the game Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint.

Although meetings and workshops are set up internally in order to convince employees of the merits of this enthusiasm for NFTs, reluctance and skepticism are heard in the corridors ofUbisoft. And on the occasion of the twenty years of the Ghost Recon franchise and to thank the teams who worked on it, Ubisoft has decided to distribute to some of its employees, an NFT from the game Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint. Sadly this gift is not going particularly well.

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A developer even suggests that if Ubisoft is told that “we hate this crypto stuff!”, the developer responds with a simple: “OK, well, take it anyway.”

Some employees are worried about the very security of the platform but also its lack of relevant design possibilities. Near Kotakua developer explains:

It’s three to four years of work to make a fucking auction house.

As a reminder, at the announcement of the launch of the platform and the bias ofUbisoft, misunderstanding and anger quickly made themselves felton the one hand, among the fans but also among some developers or employees of the company.

Then Nicholas Pouardvice-president of the strategic innovations laboratory of‘Ubisoftadded a layer of it, declaring during an interview that the reaction extremely negative players to the deployment of NFT technology was because “they don’t understand”. Obviously the problem is that no one understand…

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And you, what do you think of this wave of enthusiasm around the NFT?

Source: www.eurogamer.net, kotaku.com

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