Home News PC Uncharted 4: a sequence inspired by Bad Boy was almost James Bond

Uncharted 4: a sequence inspired by Bad Boy was almost James Bond


Naugthy Dog makes revelations about an iconic sequence in Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End that, in addition to being inspired by Michael Bay’s films, could have copied a James Bond stunt.

Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End is undoubtedly a great game of the era PS4Naugthy Dog’s action/adventure title features a series of impressive action scenes and can count on a quality cinematographic staging. Moreover, the studio does not hide its inspirations.

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It is in a video from Couchsoup, noted by Eurogamer, that the studio was inspired by the Bad Boys saga for its chase sequence in Madagascar. The artists behind this scene were thinking of all the possible means to offer a sequence strong in adrenalin, in destruction and in stunts of any kindand it is true that some passages can remind the impressive chase of Bad Boys 2 in Brazil, in which Michael Bay does not hesitate to blow up everything.

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Not content with offering a great show to its players, Naughty Dog had also imagined gameplay mechanics, inspired this time by James Bond: Diamonds are Forever, including the possibility of tipping the vehicle on its side to make it roll on two wheelsa stunt that has since been repeated many times in the history of action movies. However, for Uncharted 4, the idea that will never go beyond the prototype stageThe team decided that such an addition would not be particularly useful. It must be said that the sequence was already busy enough as it is.

It’s always fun to see what inspirations the developers have and how they manipulate them to create their own universe. By the way, if you want to know more about it, you can have a look at the CouchSoup show that we put here

As a reminder, in addition to a version PS4, Uncharted 4 now has a PS5 version with its stand alone The Lost Legacy. Moreover, the Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection will soon be available on PC.

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