Home News Vail VR launches its alpha phase this weekend

Vail VR launches its alpha phase this weekend


Fans of tactical and competitive FPS, Vail VR will welcome you this weekend for a first test of its capabilities.

Discovered just over a year ago, Vail VR is a competitive shooter developed and edited by AEXLAB which aims to be both realisticwith for example a manual reloading of weapons but also the possibility of touching just about everything around you, and social.

The social systems of the game aim to create a community with strong tieswith integrated voice chatwhile making it easy to find a game.

In the near future, on a devastated Earth, many have chosen to move to the colony in orbit, hoping to start a new life. The conglomerate REYAB, he claims the rights to what remains and aims to protect and preserve its assets. But settlers regularly descend on Earth to digitize cultural artifacts and heritage sites that are under REYAB’s protection.

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The software is therefore based on quick tactical clashesSearch and Destroy or Deathmatch type, requiring a real teamworkand is expected for this summer on PCVR.

However, development seems to have already made good progress since a alpha testing phase will be launched tomorrow February 19 and this for the whole weekend which is seems to be the first in the list. If you feel like it, just ask to participate via Steam by clicking on the ad hoc button.

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