Home News Valheim is a monumental cardboard

Valheim is a monumental cardboard


Unexpected surprise of 2021, Valheim is a real success and is pleased to have reached a new symbolic and impressive milestone.

Coming out of nowhere in early 2021, Valheim, a little Viking survival game with an atypical artistic direction, was a real hit on Steam. In just a few days, the software has sold several million copies, surpassing by far the wildest estimates of the developers. A little over a year later, Valheim is still a hit.

Do you see the forest there? This is Mordor!

The title of Iron Gate has just passed the bar of 10 million units solda staggering figure that fairly well reflects the quality of developer monitoring. Last year, the latter had revised their objectives upwards following this unexpected success and had shared a beautiful roadmap promising several updates, and promises have been kept.

Since its release, the software has received a real follow-up and has been able to expand, adding new biomes, enemies and features. Besides, the next update, Mistlands, is in development and progressing very well according to Iron Gate.

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The latter will introduce a new biome and everything that goes with it: new enemies, new resources, dungeons, etc.

As development continues apace on the Mistlands update to introduce an all-new biome, the Iron Gate team is more excited than ever to show Valheim fans the next chapter of the game. everyone’s favorite Viking adventure!

For the time being, Mistlands does not have an exit window, but the studio will certainly tell us more in the coming weeks. In the meantime, if Valheim tempts you, you can find it on PC exclusively on Steam for the moment.

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