Home News Warstride Challenges sets a date for its early access

Warstride Challenges sets a date for its early access


The FPS that rocked and tested during the Steam Neo Fest in February is coming to early access in the coming days.

Warstride Challengesfrom the development studio Dream Powered Gamesjust joined Focus Entertainment’s INDIE SERIES editorial range following a partnership between the two companies.

Unveiled a few months ago and tested last February during the Steam Neo Festival, the frenzied FPS Warstride Challenges has been emulated within the speedrunner community but also among content creators.

Good news, this Die-and-Retry shooterwhich would be a tasty mix between DOOM, Trackmania and Super Meat Boyarrives in early access from April 19 on Steam.

“We are very pleased with this partnership with Focus for the development of Warstride Challenges.[Theirknow-howwillgreatlyhelptheprojecttoresonateabroadandfinditsaudienceanditiswithgreatpleasurethatwearenowworkinghandinhandtocreateanunforgettableexperienceforallfansofFastFPSFocusisapartnerthatagreestoputgameplayatthecenterofitsgamesandthat’sexactlywhatwewerelookingforforWarstride!”-[Leursavoir-fairevagrandementaiderleprojetàrésonneràl’étrangerettrouversonpublicetc’estavecgrandplaisirquenoustravaillonsdésormaismaindanslamainpourcréeruneexpérienceinoubliablepourtouslesamateursdeFastFPSFocusestunpartenairequiacceptedemettrelegameplayaucentredesesjeuxetc’estexactementcequenouscherchionspourWarstride!»-The three founders of Dream Powered Games, Vincent Cabanas, Ludwig Dresch, and Sidney Guiot.

“Focus continues to support the French-speaking scene with a project that has become obvious: hardcore gameplay made fun and accessible by a mature and creative team. Warstride offers a real challenge, with a very high replayability potential: difficult but motivating, allowing players to progress, compare themselves and share their evolutions with others, the game sublimates the famous “easy to learn and difficult to master” and renews the fast FPS, with rhythmic and dynamic crossings, and a demanding level design. Propose original mixtures of gameplay, supported and renewed by Live and modding options, accompany a team to grow together through a unique and innovative project: we are here at the heart of the editorial vision that we wish to defend and extend to Focus.” – Yves Le Yaouanq, Chief Content Officer of Focus Entertainment.

Warstride Challenges is a game based on the eradication of demons and other monstrosities like this while taking on a series of challenges. Jump from platform to platform while lining up headshots, or beat the level time record to unlock an arsenal of devastating weapons and powers, this is the promise of the DPG software.

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Thanks in particular to its nemesis modeyou can also challenge and compete against speedrunners, streamers, gamers or even your friends.

Find Warstride Challenges in early access on Steam from April 19.

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