Home News Watch Dogs Legion: dropped by its developers, the game will no longer...

Watch Dogs Legion: dropped by its developers, the game will no longer be updated


This is the end of Watch Dogs Legion, which is already bowing out after only one year of good and loyal service.

Released on PlayStation, Xbox and computer at the end of 2020, Ubisoft’s dystopian open world obviously did not raise the crowds. Result, the developers leave the tub leaving the autopilot.

Until now, Watch Dogs Legion worked with a seasonal system that brought events, and other rewards, accompanied by battle passes.

However, the Ubisoft teams announced in an official press release, that seasons 4 and 5 would be the last and that after that, seasons 3 to 5 will automatically take turns, so that everyone can glean the rewards they would have missed.

TU 5.6 was our last update for Watch Dogs: Legion. However, you can expect both new and old rewards in the Online mode. Season 4 “Rebels” will consist of 80 ranks and will run until January 22, 2022, before being followed by Season 5 “Stripes”. After that, Seasons 3-5 will continue to alternate in-game, allowing you to get rewards you might have missed in the past.

As a reminder, Watch Dogs Legion is available on PS5, Xbox Series, PC, PS4 and Xbox One. If you were interested, it’s now or never.

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