Home News PS5 Way of the Hunter: the open world hunting game presents your future...

Way of the Hunter: the open world hunting game presents your future prey


Unveiled last April, Way of the Hunter, the open world hunting game published by THQ Nordic, continues to quietly present its environments and the many animals you will have to track down.

The time for hunting is coming soon. Soon, you will be able to roam Europe and the United States in search of game. According to the studio, you will be able to hunt more than ten species on a total of 30,000 hectares (15,000 for each territory). So, to continue to show what the game has in store for us, THQ Nordic has decided to present in video one of the two future playgrounds, the Pacific Northwest in North America.

There are good and bad hunters

More than the sumptuous landscape to be admired, it is especially the animals present on the spot which will be in the middle of this trailer. White-tailed deer, badger, black bear, there is enough to make you a beautiful hunting picture. However, beware, the developers promise realistic reactions from these beasts to your presence. Strategy and discretion will therefore be required.

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If you don’t think you can do it alone, it is possible to take your friends with you for the adventure. If not, a story mode will be available. This mode will show you the difficulties of a family’s commercial hunting activity and the rivalries – or friendships – that result from it.

As a reminder, Way of the Hunter will be released on August 16, 2022exclusively on PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X. Online pre-orders are open, knowing that there are two versions: the standard, at 39.99€ on PC and consoles, and the elite, at 54.99€. For the latter, a 10% discount is offered if you take it before the day of release.

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