Home News What are the biggest video game studio acquisitions? News @VGR

What are the biggest video game studio acquisitions? News @VGR


Microsoft should get their hands on Activision-Blizzard-King within a few months for nearly 70 billion dollars. The biggest operation in the video game sector, far ahead of the others…

For his Activision-Blizzard-King record purchase, Microsoft has spent nearly 70 billion dollars. A sum never seen in the video game sector, even if very large studios have already put their hands in the wallet on other occasions.

Thus, if this acquisition is validated by 2023, Microsoft will be very far ahead of the current record, the takeover of Zynga by Take Two a few days ago. for $12.7 billion. Himself had just exploded the record of Tencent (for Supercell) or Microsoft (for Bethesda/ZeniMax) which were around 8 billion. Moreover, the mobile studio King was a newcomer to the group, the 5th largest acquisition in the sector. In 2015, Activision-Blizzard had put 5.9 billion on the table.

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In the video game sector, for 20 years, Microsoft has let go almost 80 billion dollars in studio acquisitions. In our graph, in comparison, you can see that the most important acquisitions of the 2000s did not exceed 2 billion…

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