Home News What does Shinji Mikami expect from a potential Resident Evil 4 remake?...

What does Shinji Mikami expect from a potential Resident Evil 4 remake? News @VGR


Asked about the potential remake of Resident Evil 4 by VG247, Shinji Mikami (the creator of the license) expressed his expectations.

VG247 benefited from an interview with Shinji Mikami to ask him about the potential remake of Resident Evil 4 – game originally released in 2005.

Not against an update of his game, the creator of the series also revealed his expectations. He particularly directed his remarks to a very specific point: the story of RE4. The latter should, according to him, be reviewed for improvement purposes.

If we refer to the words of Mikami, the script is still perfectible. When it was written – more than fifteen years ago – the time allocated to its development was quite limited, spanning only three weeks. A short, “difficult to meet” deadline, which probably resulted in a number of concessions.

To see, therefore, the fate that Capcom will reserve for it, if of course the existence of this remake goes beyond mere rumor.

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As for Shinji Mikami, it will offer very soon – March 25, 2022 – its new title: GhostWire: Tokyo, a video of which was released a few days ago, almost at the same time as the release of our preview.

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