Home News What stood out for you in 2021 on VGR

What stood out for you in 2021 on VGR


We’ve brought out the top most read and most commented on news of the year, and two topics seem to be very popular: the PS5 and The Last of Us 2. And you, what stood out about you? news in 2021?

As the year ends slowly, we looked at the site’s statistics in 2021 and found the top 5 news that were most read during this year. Overall, the top 10 that you have viewed the most remains linked to the new game consoles and mainly the PS5. But there are also some social issues, such as harmful behaviors within Activision, cheating or toxicity of certain players.

# 1 The PS5 goes on direct sale and sends emails to its most loyal players

The most widely read news was that Sony sent direct invitations to receive a ps5 template from the new direct sales site. An invitation that was sent to users more or less chosen by the brand for their commitment and interest in the manufacturer and its products.

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# 2 A new model for the PS5

If it is not strictly speaking a PS5 pro or a real new model, the chassis number has changed and several small details were revealed a little before the official release. Three news concerning this “new” console are found in the top 10, in particular the first revelations on the differences (rather slight) with the base model.

# 3 A player reaches Skyrim level 241 without leaving the first stage

An unusual video that we had uncovered and which was then shared by many sites: a Skyrim player had fun increasing his character’s stats in a completely insane way by enjoying an exploit of the game that is … at the very beginning of the story, while you are still locked in the city that is no longer serving or less adventure tutorial.

# 4 Play as Joel in The Last of Us 2

You really enjoyed several little finds that we have shared this year thanks to modders on various games. And how many of you adore The Last of Us 2, the discovery of this mod allowing you to play with Joel has necessarily fascinated you. By the way, we also find a lot of news on the shooting of the HBO series in our top of the year!

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# 5 Kurt Margenau denounces the toxicity of players

A subject that has given rise to many debates in our columns and on our social networks. The game’s game director, last February, denounced the behavior of certain Internet users. Words that made people react, just like other cases that we relayed this year and which were also very shared.

Here is also the list of the most commented news on our social networks this year:

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