Home News Will Gotham Knights also be released on the previous generation? News...

Will Gotham Knights also be released on the previous generation? News @VGR


The classification of the game by an Asian office on PS5 and Xbox Series only has sown doubt for the action game planned for the end of the year on PC and consoles.

Gotham Knights has revealed its release date last March, ticking the box for October 25, 2022. But the post from Warner Bros was not associated with a console listing at that time. Until proven otherwise, the title is provided on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and PC.

This week, the Taiwanese video game rating site, the TESRIfiled his record label for the game, but only on PS5 and Xbox Series. If the mention is not limiting (other consoles may still arrive by October), it may be human error as a first step for a demo or an early version. In any case, the question may arise about the availability of the game on “old consoles”.

After research from VGRthe open-world action-RPG game still seems planned on the announced consoles and on PC in digital version. Recently a PC beta leaked on Steam, hours before the release date was revealed. The game is currently one of the most anticipated in 2022.

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