Home News World War 3: World War III is on

World War 3: World War III is on


A stress test on the World War 3 servers will be launched this weekend, ahead of an open beta scheduled for next month.

As the old people say, “what we need is a good war”. To see if the consecrated expression is real, go to the servers of MY.GAMES or on Steam. A stress test is launched now on the new World War 3 to verify the online capabilities of the game whose open beta is scheduled for March 2022.

This first full-scale test will be open to all until February 7 at 1 p.m., free of charge. Players can thus discover the realistic tactical combat game, where the assets have been copied from the real equipment of the armies of the world, by integrating realistic physics and ballistics.

The game was in closed beta until now. Everyone can now access two modes on 4 maps in total: team deathmatch on Berlin and Warsaw, and tactical operations on Berlin, Warsaw, Moscow and Poliarny.

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Finally, the stress test participants will unlock the LWH Dark Helmet in-game. The progress will be kept during the beta, then everyone will be reset during the launch of the open beta in free to play next month.

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