Home News Xbox Games with Gold: Games of the Month for April 2022

Xbox Games with Gold: Games of the Month for April 2022


The titles that will join the Xbox with Gold just announced by Microsoft. Subscribers to Xbox Live Gold or Game Pass Ultimate will thus be able to get their hands on universes overflowing, for the most part, with fantasy.

First, the program will open with Another Sight, an adventure with a tone steampunk. It will announce itself alongside the futuristic management game Outpost Kaloki X. In mid-month, it will be the turn of the colorful platform title Hue and the MX vs ATV racing game Alive.

Another Sight

Another Sight focuses on the emotional development of the relationship between its two protagonists, Kit, a fearless teenager, and Hodge, a mysterious red-haired cat. They meet in the darkness of a London Underground construction site, after Kit loses her sight when the tunnel she was exploring collapses. They set off together on an adventure into the unknown. Hodge proves to be an indispensable companion, on whom Kit can really count. Kit and Hodge explore a fantastical world, both together and separately, each using their unique talents to navigate beautiful environments and solve intriguing puzzles.

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Hue is an award-winning, colorful puzzle platformer where you alter the world by changing its background color. You explore a dangerous gray world, and discover colorful fragments as you search for your missing mother. When obstacles are the same color as the background, they disappear, creating exciting new puzzles in a world full of peril, mystery… and unseen color.

Outpost Kaloki X

Outpost Kaloki X is a totally crazy space management simulation, full of clever characters and wacky lines. Your goals? Satisfy the customer and collect change! Discover in particular the Adventure and Battle modes among the 11 different scenarios. Chat with your customers to identify their needs… and to get valuable tips on the annexes of your base. Complete low-level annexes to unlock more advanced ones. Can you reconcile the needs of your station, the desires of your customers and your own aspirations to fame and wealth?

MX vs. ATV Alive

Get ready for aggressive races on varied tracks. Feel in total control of your custom vehicle and rider with Rider Reflex functionality. Give it your all in the mud, sand and snow and master the competition.

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