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Xbox on the trail of new acquisitions


Reading between the lines of the job offer published by Microsoft this weekend, we discover that the Xbox branch is still developing its takeover strategy in the video game sector.

This is not surprising, given that Phil Spencerboss of the new Microsoft Gaming, hammers since the end of 2021 that the studio has “not finished” buying companies. A statement that was followed very quickly with the announcement of the acquisition of the giant Activision-Blizzard last February, but it will be necessary to wait until 2023 for this deal to be validated (or not).

A job offer posted this weekend on Microsoft’s networks suggests that the company still has quite a bit of money to put on the table. In effect, the Redmond firm announces that it is looking for a manager for its strategy and development of the gaming division. In the long job description, we learn that the recruit will work for the Xbox team and will have to evaluate future purchases.

We work closely with the gaming leadership team to identify and assess opportunities for transformative growth.

Behind this hermetic language of marketers undoubtedly hides a desire to “analyze and consult” the “key dynamics of the industry”, in other words, studios that can bring big profits and new games to the Xbox catalog.

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