Home News Harry Potter Hogwarts Legacy: pre-orders are open

Harry Potter Hogwarts Legacy: pre-orders are open


While the official release date has yet to be given, the new adaptation of the Harry Potter universe is opening up pre-orders on PlayStation and Xbox.

The game has been eagerly awaited by gamers, especially fans of the Harry Potter universe. Harry PotterThe upcoming adaptation of the wizard’s adventures, Hogwarts Legacy, has just opened its pre-orders.

This is surprising news as the game appeared to be pushed back to the second half of 2022, rather than in beginning of the year as originally planned.

Did Avalanche decide to take a year of pre-orders before release, or is it. the final date be announced soon with a nice surprise? We don’t know yet. In any case, you can now find it at several retailers like Fnac for 69,99€. on PS4 and Xbox One or 10 euros more on PS5 and Xbox Series. But also Cultura for 59,99 or 69,99€, so cheaper.

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