Home News After Far Cry 6, Danny Trejo arrives in OlliOlli World

After Far Cry 6, Danny Trejo arrives in OlliOlli World


Hardly has he left the island of Yara than the American actor comes to put down his suitcases in Radlandia to do 2 or 3 skate runs.

We had already seen it not so long ago in Far Cry 6 for a few side missions, now Danny Trejo is now coming to OlliOlli World on February 8, the software’s release date.

Players will then be able to complete a handful of challenges during a special side quest and thus get their hands on exclusive rewards.

In any case Danny him, he is boiling hot.

From February 8, you can find me in @OlliOlligame! I’m one of those quirky characters in this new skate game coming to PC and your favorite console. See you during the awesome side quest I’m organizing!

OlliOlli World will be available from February 8 on PS5, Xbox Series, PC, PS4, Xbox One and Switch. You can re-read our latest preview here.

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